Weathertech Floor Mats

You’ve probably heard of the company Weathertech but maybe you’re not sure what kind of products they make. If that’s the case, you’ve probably also heard that there are a lot of people who are offended by the use of their brand names in marketing, promotional materials, and websites and other internet places. For example, people are often upset with the mere mention of Weathertech or of any other word related to the company by another company or advertiser. Some people die-hard supporters even begin to come out of the closet, sometimes quoting events that happened years ago with their father as something to that effect. Seriously, how diehard is that?

Indeed, it seems like Weathertech floor mats, Husky car floor mats, and all the other products Weathertech makes are so popular with just about everyone, including some diehard environmentalist types who just hate corporations for causing all this pollution and all this waste. They don’t buy their own cars because they’re too cheap, they won’t buy car floor mats because they think that if they wash them every so often, the pollutants will go away, they won’t buy Husky car floor mats because they think those are just silly advertising ploys, etc. Well, all these thoughts are perfectly legitimate. What’s not valid is the sort of thinking that leads to such knee-jerk reactions like that, or thinking that Weathertech’s use of certain words like “technology”, “defense technology”, “high tech”, etc. that somehow those products somehow “better” the environment.

The truth is that Weathertech and other vehicle seat manufacturers do care about the environment. After all, they are making vehicles more fuel-efficient so that there is less pollution in the atmosphere, which is a good thing, as it helps us all breathe easier and live better. So, why the knee-jerk reaction? Because people are afraid to think for themselves and to accept that something like, say, husky floor mats might actually help out rather than hurt or kill the environment.

People also think that the best answer to an automobile problem like that is to fix the car with something like an aftermarket accessory. That’s where the trouble comes in, folks, because what you are actually doing when you install those aftermarket liners and other accessories on your automobile is increasing the level of stress on the already frail and flimsy floor materials used in our cars. Yes, it’s true that your floorboards will eventually wear out over time and eventually fall to the point where they can’t hold force against the ground anymore, but that isn’t the point. The point is that you’re causing undue wear and tear on those flooring materials, which in turn makes the materials weaker and more easily scratched and gouged.

Also, there is something about putting a floor mat in the interior of your vehicle that just looks cool. It gives the interior a polished, high fashion look that most people associate with high class automobiles. That is not to say that the interior of a Weathertech Floor Mat will make your automobile look bad, or even that it will enhance the look of your interior, but there’s nothing wrong with trying it. It really does help, especially if you have a tiger themed interior and you install a nice Weathertech Tan floor mat under it.

Some floor mats do have a lifetime warranty and there is nothing wrong with going ahead and buying one of those. That being said, there are plenty of aftermarket liners that do have a lifetime warranty and that would be your best bet. Aftermarket liners, that aren’t made from thermoplastic, are made from rubber foam and there’s absolutely no reason to use a thermoplastic liner. Using one will not only void the warranty, but it will also make the vehicle a lot more likely to develop deep, unsightly cracks at the seams where the two halves of the mat meet, so always remember that before installing any floor mats.